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Join in as we gather as a community, reach out to one another to nourish our souls, and make a difference with compassion.

Mill Woods United Church


Our Sunday gatherings are open to everyone at 10:30am. The service is one hour in length and has a relaxed and informal atmosphere.


Our services include singing, prayers, time to share good news, time to share concerns, announcements about the life and work of the congregation, a reading or two from the Bible and a reflection from the minister on the readings and how they might relate to our lives today.


Every Sunday we collect a financial offering to support the many and varied ministries that our congregation offers. Approximately six times a year we celebrate the sacrament of communion and everyone is invited to participate. We celebrate the sacrament of baptism as the need arises.


We hope you join us!

About Our Minister
Rev. Dr. Dale Johnson

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Information on the food bank, clothing bank and more can be found here!

Find information about renting one of our spaces here!

Mill Woods United Church — an Affirming ministry on Treaty 6 territory

We are a spiritual community where you can explore your purpose and place – an evolving community of faith, hope, and love in southeast Edmonton that seeks healing, justice, and joy.


When Mill Woods was a new suburb in Edmonton Alberta in the 1970s, people with United Church of Canada backgrounds gathered in homes and then in schools to form a new church. Since November 1976, Mill Woods United has been an official community of faith within the United Church of Canada and since 1993 we have gathered for worship and mission in a building near 66th Street and 38th Avenue at 15 Grand Meadow Crescent.


Our church was started by people of vision, and today it is sustained by the gifts of people like you. Thank you!

Mill Woods United is alive with people committed to values of radical hospitality, spirituality, and social justice. It is a community that seeks to live in wisdom and compassion by reflecting on the stories of scripture, the stories of our time, and the stories of our lives.


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Church Phone: 780 463-2202

Office E-mail:

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